Saturday, October 12, 2013

Week 1 - week 29

After my period was a week late, I bought a pregnancy test pack, it was the expensive one. The result was negative and I immediately discard it. After another weeks late, I tested again but at that time I bought the cheapest one. After waiting for only about three minutes, I was incredibly full of joy seeing the two red line in the test pack.

I was still not really sure about the result, so I immediately bought another one, and it was still showing 2 red lines which is positive. Next?

Here are things happened and I did when got a positive pregnancy test result :
  • Cry, this comes inevitably. Me and my husband have been waiting for a baby since the moment we got married (it was about one and a half years ago). We were about to have a medical check in order to get pregnant.
  • Tell my husband about the news of course. He seemed also very happy knowing that he will going to become a father soon.
  • Make appointment with doctor. Whether there are some test I should take, medications or vitamins, changes in lifestyle, anything that should be prepared during pregnancy.
  • Some people suggest not to tell the news to everyone at this early stage of your pregnancy, even if it's your family. I agree, but as soon as I get the confirmation from doctor, I will let everyone knows that I'm pregnant. First it should be my family and the closest friend.
  • I don't have any knowledge about pregnancy, so I started do some browsing about pregnancy, what should I have and what should not I have while pregnant. Also find some book as references. I just realized there are a lot of pregnancy books and references available in bookstores, library or hospital.
  • Count the due date of pregnancy.

Week 1 - week 5

Overall, during this very early weeks of my pregnancy, i didn't feel much change except that i got easily exhausted of huge increased appetite. I was assume it was a pre-menstruation syndrome (PMS), so I just continue my activities as usual. But don't worry, the doctor said as long as you have a normal pregnancy, you can continue to work or even exercise as usual. The upper limit of the level your body could handle can be close to to what you have before pregnancy.

Body changes and symptoms of my pregnancy during those weeks:

Weight: My weight is about 56 at this stage
Nausea: No
Exhausted: Yes, felt much more exhausted than before.
Increased appetite: I eat a lot more than usual. I suspect this was to prepare my body for the following early pregnancy symptoms.
Breast changes and breast tenderness: There was change but it was not too obvious
Skin: I started having a little breakout around my forehead
Hair: Normal amount of hairloss, it was about 50 hairloss per day
Spotting: no spotting during this period of my pregnancy
Backache: no backache during this period of my pregnancy
Frequent Urination: Yes, I got to urinate a lot more than usual

Week 6

At week 6, I got my first appointment with doctor,  but I suggest others to get an earlier one. The doctor asked me to get some blood test and gave a direction to start a prenatal appointment at a woman hospital which I will deliver the baby.

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